About us
School mission
The mission of our school is to encourage and motivate students to develop into high-minded, ethical, well-educated and compassionate individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the modern world and willing to make a substantial and valuable contribution to society.
School and community description
Deseta gimnazija "Mihajlo Pupin" was founded by royal decree in 1933. The school was named after Mihajlo Pupin, a renowned Serbian scientist. It is located in the municipality of New Belgrade which covers an area of approximately 40 square kilometres and has a population of more than 200,000.
The staff of Deseta gimnazija "Mihajlo Pupin" consists of 104 employees. The teacher body comprises 85 people.
The school has a reputation for being highly academically demanding. For instance, in 2017, an applicant needed a score of at least 93 out of 100 points to enrol in the school. The school also has two bilingual classes. Along with the high school entrance exam, these students are required to pass an English and French aptitude test respectively. In 2017, an applicant for the English bilingual class needed a score of at least 114 out of 120. In addition, the students of the English and French bilingual programmes of study have native speakers with whom they have classes once a week. This provides them with an opportunity to further develop their speaking and presentation skills.
The students of our school take part in a number of cultural, sports and charitable events and they are offered numerous extra-curricular activities. So far, they have achieved outstanding results in various school competitions in different subjects. The school also has a Student Parliament which is actively involved in every segment of school life.